School of Philosophy
Overview of Classical Greek Grammar with emphasis on special features, terms and issues of syntax. Etymology, conditions, techniques for text interpretation and the concept of exact translation). Individual prose authors’ styles. Significance of tenses and moods. Extensive readings and translation exercises on a number of prose authors of the Classical period. This is not a beginners’ course.
Introduction to the genre of Ancient Historiography. Introduction to Herodotus: the main themes and the leading methodological questions of the Histories. The ionic dialect. The class will examine in detail Histories I, and lectures will focus on selective episodes from this book.
The class is divided into two parts. The first part offers an overview of Latin literature. Detailed presentation of the more important genres and their leading representatives and their work. The second part reviews Latin syntax, stressing subordinate clauses and indirect discourse, and introduces basic translation methodology.
Dimitris Angelatos
The course is organized into three parts (A-C), each of which consists of a number of sections. In this course will be systematically analyzed the six axis of reference of the science of Modern Greek Literature (terminology, object, methods of approach, work tools, research, teaching), as well as the three fundamental objectives of the science: the publication, analysis and interpretation of the texts of Modern Greek literature.
The first part (A) concerns the basic terms used in the science of modern Greek literature, its subject, consisting of the texts of Modern Greek literature, and the methods of approaching this subject. The second part (B) focuses on acquainting with the tools of the work of science in order to achieve its three fundamental objectives and on the other hand the correct use of these tools in literary research and teaching. The third part (C) is connected with the way of organizing all the previous ones and their application both in scientific writing and in the teaching approach of the texts of Modern Greek literature.
The exact terminology, the adequacy of methods of approach, the effective oversight of Modern Greek literature and its contexts (historical, aesthetic and wider cultural), the acquisition of the research infrastructure with regard to the tools of work and the proper way of using them, the appropriate organization of scientific writing and teaching approaches, they mark the suitable scientific specifications of Modern Greek scholars, capable of meeting the requirements for the editing, analysis and interpretation of literary texts, both in the field of research and in that of teaching.
Through scientific research and teaching, philologists learn how to use the approach methods and work tools of their science, moving on the axis precisely defined by the object, that is, Modern Greek literature. They learn therefore: how to make reasonable working hypotheses, how to correctly delimit the scope of research and teaching, how to locate, process and critically “store” the bibliography relevant to each issue -based on an autopsy on them and respect for the research efforts of previous and modern scholars-, how to finally design and accomplish the approach of their object, drawing up scientific papers and teaching in the secondary and higher education.
Introduction to the principles and research methods of Classical Philology. The subject, principles, foundations and scientific methods of Greek and Latin Papyrology. The Object of Papyrology is the study of the thousands of Greek and Latin literary papyri and papyrological non-literary documents that have survived to this day in various areas around the Mediterranean (mainly in Egypt but also elsewhere, specifically, the Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Greece, Asia Minor, Italy etc.) and date from the 4th c. BC to the late 8th c. AD. Additionally, the course shall emphasize on the interpretation of the papyrological texts in their literary and historical contexts. The second part of the course will be devoted to a brief introduction of Greek paleography and the reading of manuscripts from the Byzantine period, and simultaneously they will receive instruction to the foundations of textual criticism.
Brief interpretation to Greek Tragedy (beginnings, characteristic, evolution). Interpretation of a play by Sophocles: Detailed commentary of the text and analysis of the various issues and problems raised in the play (human behavior and political power, the problem of education and the natural origins of man, the side-effects of sophistic instruction, the limits of reaction for the weak, the manipulation of the youth.
Translation theory and exercises (translation from Latin to Greek and vice versa). Additional topics to be covered: Contemporary and traditional terminology for translating. Morphology, Syntax, Linguistic aspects, Translation exercises of Prose text, Popular (widely-read) texts, Classical vs. Medieval Latin texts.
Stefanos Kaklamanis
The historical and cultural background of the Cretan Renaissance. Vitsenzos Kornaros’s Erotokritos as a representative work of the Cretan Literature of the Renaissance. The romance Erotokritos: manuscripts and early printed editions, authorship, dating, the Italian model, secondary sources, reception. Dramaturgical analysis. Characters, themes and motives. Aesthetics of language and versification. The ars poetica of Vitsentzos Kornaros.
Συνιστώμενη Βιβλιογραφία:
Στέφανος Κακλαμάνης, Η κρητική ποίηση στα χρόνια της Αναγέννησης (14ος-17ος αι.), τ. Α´. Εισαγωγή, Αθήνα, ΜΙΕΤ, 2019.
Στέφανος Κακλαμάνης, Η κρητική ποίηση στα χρόνια της Αναγέννησης (14ος-17ος αι.), τ. Γ´. Ανθολογία (1580 περ. -17ος αι.), Αθήνα, ΜΙΕΤ, 2020.
Euripides Garantoudis
Characteristics of European literary movements and their impact on greek poetry and prose will be presented (see, for example, Breton’s Manifesto of Surrealism, 1924), as well as milestones of literature, which shaped modern greek literature (see, for example, Eliot's The Waste Land, 1922). Subsequently, important works of modern greek literature will be examined to illustrate the way and the extent to which greek writers were influenced, they assimilated or rejected the literary models of the West. More specifically, we will study the way the Ionian and Athenian Schools assimilated romanticism, the dialogue between the greek novel of manners of the 1880’s generation with realism and naturalism, parnassianism and symbolism in the New Athenian School, the Neosymbolists and the Decadence of the generation of the 20’s, the interaction of the generation of the thirties with european modernism and avant-garde movements in Greece, as well as the advances and attitude of post-war literature towards historical events, literary tradition and contemporary western production.
The objectives of the course are that students:
- understand the basic periods of modern greek literature and the criteria for classifying and categorising writers and literary works in periods, schools and generations.
- familiarize themselves with basic terms and conceptual tools for the evaluation of literature (schools, movements) and realize both the fluidity of the terms, schools and styles as critical tools, as well as their usefulness in perceiving and evaluating literature.
- acquire the necessary theoretical tools and familiarise themselves with the linguistic, stylistic, thematic features, ideological identity of important greek poets and prose writers through the analysis of works of the literary canon.
- understand the impact of socio-historical developments on literary history; realise the extent and ways in which important historical and social events (the French Revolution, the Greek Revolution of 1821, the defeat of 1897, the adventures of the Balkan Wars and the 1st and 2nd World Wars, the Asia Minor Catastrophe) influenced literature.
Professor D. Angelatos
This course is organized in three Parts (A-C), each one of which contains certain number of entities. The first Part (A) concerns the terms, the object and the methods of the scientific field of Modern Greek Literary Studies. The second Part (B) deals with the various bibliographical sources and their appropriate scientific use in literary research and teaching. The third Part (C) is dedicated to the correct way of application of the above not only to the scientific writing on Modern Greek Literature but also to the ways of teaching Modern Greek literary texts.
The precise use of terminology, the adequacy in methods (Theory and History of Literature, Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature) of approaching the literary texts, the well-founded knowledge of Modern Greek Literature and its historical, aesthetic and cultural background, the detailed and appropriate use of the research sources, the correct way of organizing the scientific writing and teaching, constitute the coherent and proper body of presuppositions and specifications in dealing with the field of Modern Greek Literary Studies.
The course aims at providing a comprehensive overview of the Modern Greek literary production from the beginnings to 1821 (year of the outbreak of the Greek War of Independence). More specifically, the successive periods of Modern Greek Literature will be examined through the study of selected texts.
The course is a survey of Modern Greek poetry and prose in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Lectures treat the periodization issues and provide the historical, ideological and socio-cultural background. The general trends and characteristics of each period (and sub-period) are examined. Readings of representative texts by major authors are also provided.
This lecture course provides a general introduction to Linguistics for first-year students of the Faculty of Philology. Given that Linguistics is not one of the subjects taught at school, the course aims at the acquaintance of students with the most basic topics and principles of the discipline. It therefore starts with the distinction between language and other communication systems which exist in the animal kingdom and goes on to explain the interest of Linguists for the two main facets of language: its role as a communication tool and its structure as a complex system produced by the human mind. The students are subsequently acquainted with the levels of linguistic structure (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics), with sociolinguistic issues (variation, style and register, language contact), with language change, with psycho- and neurolinguistic topics, with the use of computers for linguistic analysis, as well as with the areas of Applied Linguistics (first and second/foreign language teaching, language planning, literacy, lexicography).
• Tutors: Amalia Moser & Eleni Panaretou
Introduction to Historical-Comparative and Indo-European Linguistics:
History of the Greek language:
• Tutors: Nikolaos Pantelidis
The lectures aim at familiarizing the students with the different genres of Byzantine literature by interpreting representative texts of the mosy important writers. Initiation to the history and organization of Byzantine studies and the basic bibliography (manuals, dictionaries, research tools, editions, periodicals).
The course comprises the following topics covering the theory, methodology and subject matter of Folklore/Folkloristics (laographia) at an introductory level: 1. General historical introduction to the study of Folkloristics. 2. The Scholarly Terminology of Folklore. 3. Definition and Content of Folkloristics. 4. Topics in Traditional Folklore. 5. Topics in Modern Folklore. 6. Sub-Disciplines in Folkloristics. 7. Methodology of Folkloristics. Fieldwork and the Study of topics in Folklore. 8. Concise History of Folkloristics. 9. Folkloristics and Related Disciplines. 10. Academic foundations of Folkloristics. 11. Current Theoretical Perspectives in Folkloristics. 12. The discipline of Folkloristics in Greece, Europe and the United States of America. 13. The Educational Importance of Folkloristics. 14. Folkloristics and the educationalist in Greece. 15. Research and Study of Folklore Texts. 16. Folklore Museums and Other Folklore Institutions. 17. Bibliographical topics in Greek Folkloristics. 18. Bibliography.
Students are evaluated on the basis of a final written examination. They are given the option of submitting projects centered around the collection of primary fieldwork material and/or bibliographical research, gaining marks according to the value of the work submitted (optional).
During the course representative extracts of Byzantine literary texts will be studied. Familiarization with different literary genres and the multiformity of the Greek language in the Middle Ages.