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Dexippos Master degree program in Classical Philology

Goverment Gazette ΦΕΚ ίδρυσης

Regulation Κανονισμός

Study guide 


Vaios Vaiopoulos, Professor of Latin Tel. 2107277405, e-mail: vaiosvaiop@phil.uoa.gr

Coordinating Committee 

Head: Vaios Vaiopoulos, Professor of Latin Tel. 2107277405, e-mail: vaiosvaiop@phil.uoa.gr

Academic advisor: Sophia Georgacopoulou, Professor of Latin Tel. 2107277938, e-mail : sgeorga@phil.uoa.gr Vassilios Lentakis, Professor of Ancient Greek Philology Tel. 2107277650, e-mail : vlentakis@phil.uoa.gr

Stefanos Matthaios, Professor of Ancient Greek Philology Tel. 2107277420, e-mail: smatthaios@phil.uoa.gr Amphilochios Papathomas, Professor of Ancient Greek Philology Tel. 2107277304, e-mail: papath@phil.uoa.gr

Contact info

Ekaterini Fotou Faculty of Classics Office: Box 609 Tel.: 210-7277788 E-mail: kfotou@phil.uoa.gr

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