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Marianthi Kaplanoglou

Professor of Folklore Studies (Laographia)


Faculty of Philology, Department of Byzantine Philology and Folkloristics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Panepistimiopolis, 157 84 Ilissia, Athens, Hellas.

 Tel.: +30-210-7277729  (Room 705)



  • Social and Historic Laographia
  • Comparative Folklore
  • Folklore in education
  • Social history of the folktale


  • 1987-1991: University of Athens, Department of History and Archaeology, Diploma in History
  • 1991-1992: École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, D.E.A. (Histoire et Civilisations)
  • 1992-1996: University of Athens, Faculty of Human Studies, Department of Primary Education , PhD.


  • 2008 - : E.K.P.A, Department of Philology
  • 1996-2008: University of the Aegean, Department of Primary Education.
  • 2004-2007: Greek Open University.


  • ΑΤ 545Β Puss in Boots and the Fox Matchmaker: from the central Asian to the European tradition», Folklore 110 (1999), London, p. 57-62.
  • "The girl as soldier: a history of the Greek narrative traditions" Archivio Anthropologico Mediterraneo II (1999), s. 145-154.
  • "The folk cult of St Phanourios in Greecean Cyprus, and its relationship with the international tale type 804", Folklore 117 (2006),London, p. 54-74.
  • Two Greek Storytellers from the Greek-Orthodox Communities of Ottoman Asia Minor: Analysing some Micro-data on Comparative Folklore”, Fabula 2011.
  • Anna Angelopoulou, Μarianthi Kaplanoglou, Emmanouela Katrinaki, “The Fifth Volume of the Greek Folktale Catalogue (Forschungs- und Tagungsberichte)”, Fabula: Zeitschrift für Erzählforschung 50 (2009) Heft ½, σ. 118-121.
  • Kaplanoglou Marianthi, «Two Storytellers from the Greek-Orthodox Communities of Ottoman Asia Minor. Analyzing Some Micro-Data in Comparative Folklore”, FABULA 51 (2010), 235-250.
  • Kaplanoglou Marianthi, “Les enfants comme conteurs. Une approche de l’ histoire sociale du conte dans le folklore grec », στον συλλογικό τόμο Arleo A. – Delalande J. (επιμ.), Cultures enfantines: Universalité et diversité, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Nantes 2010.
  • AthanasiadisI., Papantonakis G., Kaplanoglou M. and Kaplanoglou G., “Children’s Perceptions of Folktales and Narration in Greece: Evidence from a Novel Micro-data Set”, Review of European Studies 2 (2010), 67-87.
  • National Catalogue of the Greek Folktale: Types and Versions ATU 300-699 (Catalogue of  G. A. Megas), in cooperation with A. Angelopoulou, A. Brouskou,E. Katrinaki, forthcoming.