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Assistant Professor in Ancient Greek Literature



Faculty of Philology, Department of Classical Philology, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens,University Campus Zografou, 157 84 Athens, Greece

Tel.: +30-210-7277837 (Block 609)   



  • B.A. in Classical Philology -National andKapodistrianUniversity ofAthens 
  • D.E.A. (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies) in Ancient Greek Literature. University  Paris IV -Sorbonne. Supervisor: Jacques Jouanna
  • D.E.A. (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies) in European Studies (National and European Educational Policy). UniversityParis III-Nouvelle Sorbonne. Supervisor: Hansgred Schulte
  • PhD in Ancient Greek Literature. UniversityParis IV -Sorbonne. Supervisor: Jacques Jouanna
  • Certificate of Postgraduate Studies in Open and Distance Learning – Hellenic Open University


  • 2020-          : Assistant Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Philology
  • 2012 - 2020 :Lecturer, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Philology
  • 2003 - 2012 : Research Centre on Greek and Latin Literature of theAcademyofAthens- Researcher
  • 2000 - 2019 : Hellenic Open University, Member of the Teaching Staff


  • Ancient Greek Medicine
  • Critical Editions of Ancient Greek Texts, Text Transmission, Palaeography.
  • Ancient Greek Philosophy (Plato – Aristotle)
  • Second Sophistic
  • History of Ancient Greek Scholarship

PUBLICATIONS (Representative)

1. Galēnou hoti tais tou sōmatos krasesin hai tēs psychēs dynameis hepontai. Eisagōgē, hellēniko keimeno, Euretēria, Academy of Athens [Hellenikē Bibliothēkē 4], Athens 2011. ISBN 978-960-404-136-7,  ISSN 1792-1260.

2. Galien, que les facultés de l’âme suivent les tempéraments du corps. Introduction, texte critique, traduction et commentaire, Index., Collection des Universités de France, Série grecque, Paris (to be published).

3. «Αdamantios Coray et ses corrections inédites sur Galien», in  V. Boudon-Millot, A. Garzya, J. Jouanna, A. Roseli (eds.), Ecdotica e ricezione dei testi medici greci. Atti del V Convegno Internazionale (Napoli, 1-2 ottobre 2004), M. D'Auria editore, Napoli 2006, pp. 465-480.

4. «Cerebral Localization Theories in Antiquity», Asklepios II, XXI, 2008, pp. 20-24.

5. «Le sens de la justice («corps juste» et «médecin juste» dans la médecine grecque ancienne)», in B. Melkevik, M. Protopapas, S. Tzitzis (επιμ.), Mythe et justice dans la pensée grecque ancienne,  Presses de l’Université Laval, Québec 2009, pp. 225-241.

6. «Les épigrammes attribuées à Platon: tradition, authenticité, commentaire», in  Platon, Poet and Philosopher. In Memory of Ioannis N. Theodoracopoulos. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Philosophy, Magoula-Sparta, 26-29 May 2011, Research Centre on Greek Philosophy, Athens, 2013, pp. 299-311.

7. «Les épigrammes attribuées à Platon: tradition, authenticité, commentaire», in: E. Moutsopoulos, M. Protopapas–Marneli (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Intenational Conference of Philosophy in Memory of Ioannis N. Theodorakopoulos «Plato, Poet and Philosopher» (Magoula-Sparta, 26-29 May 2011), Academy of Athens, Athens, 2013, 299-311.

8. «Tradition orientale versus tradition directe. L’importance de la tradition indirecte pour l’édition des textes médicaux grecs anciens» in: I. Tsamadou-Jacoberger, I. Stamatiadou (eds), Texte et contexte. Méthodes et outils de l’édition critique de quelques manuscrits arabes, grecs, italiens et latins, Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, 2019, 84-95

9. Christopoulos M., Vertoudakis V., Bazou A., Anthology of  Texts of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods, Kallipos, Athens, 2015: https://repository.kallipos.gr/pdfviewer/web/viewer.html?file=/bitstream/11419/1576/1/00_master_document.pdf

10. «Dreams and Medicine up to Aristotle» in: Μ. Protopapas (ed.), Aristotle and Medicine Academy of Athens, 2020, 93-106 (in greek).