SOPHIA G. PAPAIOANNOU Professor of Latin Literature spapaioan[at]phil.uoa[dot]gr | |
Faculty of Philology (Department of Classics) National & Kapodistrian University of Athens University Campus Zografou +30-210-7277380 157 84 Athens, Greece | |
Latin literature, specifically the literature of the Augustan Age; Latin Epic; Roman Comedy, especially Plautus; The reception of Homer and Hellenistic poetry in the literature of the Augustan Age and the Early Empire; The Ideology and the Language of Leadership in the Age of Augustus
- 1988-1992, University of Crete, Greece, B.A. (Classical Philology)
- 1993-1995, University of Texas at Austin, M.A. (Classics)
- 1995-1998, University of Texas at Austin, Ph.D. (Classics)
- Doct. Dissertation: Romanizing the Greeks in Vergil’s Aeneid. Supervisor: Prof. K. Galinsky
- 2007- : The National and Kapodistrian University ofA thens, Department of Philology, Assistant Professor to Associate Professor
- 2002-2007: The University of Cyprus, Department of Classics and Philosophy, Lecturer
- 2000-2002: The University of Ohio,Akron, Department of Classical Studies, Anthropology and Archaeology, Visiting Assistant Professor
- 1998-2000: The University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Department of Classics, Lecturer
- 1995-1997: The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Classics, Assistant Instructor
- Epic Succession and Dissension: Ovid, Metamorphoses 13.623-14.582, and the Reinvention of the Aeneid. Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 73 (Berlin/New York: Walter De Gruyter, 2005). ISBN 3-11-018326-9.
- Redesigning Achilles: The ‘Recycling’ of the Epic Cycle in Ovid, Metamorphoses 12.1-13.620. Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 89 (Berlin/New York: Walter De Gruyter, 2007). ISBN 978-3-11-020048-5.
- Titi Macci Plauti, Miles Gloriosus. Introduction, Translation and Commentary. Series En Kyklo. Ancient Literature 4 (Athens: Smili, 2009) ISBN 978-960-6880-01-8. [in Greek]
- (with A.K. Petrides), New Perspectives on Postclassical Comedy. Series Pierides 2 (Newcastle upon Tyne:Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010). ISBN 978-1443824118.
- “The Translation Politics of a Political Translation: The Case of Augustus’ Res Gestae,” in S. McElduff and E. Sciarrino, eds, A Sea of Languages: Rethinking the History of Western Translation,Manchester: St Jerome Publishing, 2011, 62-74.
- “Postclassical Comedy and the Composition of Roman Comedy,” in S. Papaioannou and A.K. Petrides, eds, New Trends on Postclassical Comedy,Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010, 146-175.
- “The Passage to Hesperia”, in ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΙΝΗ ΜΟΥΣΑ: Συνέχεια και Τάσεις στην Ελληνιστική Ποίηση [ALEXANDRIAN MUSE: Continuity and Trends in Hellenistic Poetry], K. Spanoudakis and F. Manakidou, eds. (Athens 2008), 645-700 [in Greek].