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Vassilios P. Vertoudakis

Assistant Professor in Ancient Greek Literature

E-mail: vasvert[at]phil.uoa[dot]gr

URL: http://uoa.academia.edu/VVertoudakis


Faculty of Philology, Department of Classical Philology, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens,University Campus Zografou, 157 84 Athens, Greece

Tel.: +30-210-7277837 (Block 603)   



  • Hellenistic poetry, Late Antique Literature, Greek Epigram, Reception of Antiquity


  • University of Athens. Graduate of the Faculty of Philology, Department of Classics (1988).
  • University of  Heidelberg. Post-graduate studies in Greek and Latin Philology, and Ηistory (1991-1995).
  • University of Thessaloniki. Ph.D. (1996).


  • 2013- present:  Lecturer in Ancient Greek Philology, University of Athens, Faculty of Philology
  • 2009: Visiting Lecturer (Erasmus), University of  La Laguna (Tenerife, Spain)
  • 2002-2003: Part-time Lecturer, University of  Patras, Faculty of  Philology
  • 2001: Research Fellow (DAAD), University of  Heidelberg
  • 2000- present: Tutor, Hellenic Open University, School of Humanities
  • 1995-2012: Teacher in secondary public education, Pilot High School of Heraklion, Crete



  • Epigrammata Cretica. Literarische Topoi und Mythen von Kreta im griechischen Epigramm, Heraklion 2000. ISBN: 960-7970-07-1 (in Greek, German summary)
  • The Eighth Book of Anthologia Palatina. A Study on the Epigrams of Gregory of Nazianzus, Athens 2011.  ISBN: 978-960-354-293-3 (in Greek, English summary)