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Maria Rota

Lecturer in Modern Greek Literature



Faculty of Philology, Department of Medieval and Modern Greek Philology 
UOA, University Campus, Zografou
157 03 Athens

tel.: +30-210-7277371 (Office 604)

Office hours: Please contact me by email.


Maria Rota is Lecturer in Modern Greek Literature (19th- 20th cent.) since 2009. She completed her undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University of Athens (PhD thesis, 1994: The Alexandrian periodical “Grammata” (1911-1919). She has also taught Modern Greek Literature at the University of Patras (2000-2007) and she was the coordinator of the research program Kosmopolis (www.lis.upatras.gr).


Modern Greek poetry and prose (19th- 20th cent.); Egyptian Hellenism (Alexandria and Cairo in the early 20th century); Greek literary periodicals (writers, critics, publishers); literary archives (19th- 20th cent.). 

Books (in Greek)

  • The Archives of ELIA. The Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive, Athens 1990.

  • Alexandros Kodzias’s Bibliography (with D. Daskalopoulos ). Hellenic Authors’ Society –Kedros 1998.

  • Alexandros Kodzias, Alithomanes Halkeion. A Prose Writer’s Poetics. Essays. Kedros, 2004 (editing and comments).