School of Philosophy
Maria RotaLecturer in Modern Greek Literature | |
Faculty of Philology, Department of Medieval and Modern Greek Philology tel.: +30-210-7277371 (Office 604) Office hours: Please contact me by email. |
Maria Rota is Lecturer in Modern Greek Literature (19th- 20th cent.) since 2009. She completed her undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University of Athens (PhD thesis, 1994: The Alexandrian periodical “Grammata” (1911-1919). She has also taught Modern Greek Literature at the University of Patras (2000-2007) and she was the coordinator of the research program Kosmopolis (
Modern Greek poetry and prose (19th- 20th cent.); Egyptian Hellenism (Alexandria and Cairo in the early 20th century); Greek literary periodicals (writers, critics, publishers); literary archives (19th- 20th cent.).
Books (in Greek)
The Archives of ELIA. The Hellenic Literary and Historical Archive, Athens 1990.
Alexandros Kodzias’s Bibliography (with D. Daskalopoulos ). Hellenic Authors’ Society –Kedros 1998.
Alexandros Kodzias, Alithomanes Halkeion. A Prose Writer’s Poetics. Essays. Kedros, 2004 (editing and comments).