School of Philosophy
Tina LentariLecturer in Modern Greek Literature | |
Faculty of Philology, Department of Medieval and Modern Greek Philology tel.: +30-210-7277626 (Office 605) Office hours: Please contact me by email. |
Tina Lendari is a Lecturer in Medieval Vernacular Literature at the Section of Modern Greek, University of Athens. She studied at the Universities of Crete (B.A.) and Cambridge (Ph.D). She has taught Medieval and Modern Greek language and literature at the Universities of Crete, Patras, Ioannina, Thessaly, Thessaloniki and Cambridge. From 2002 to 2007 she was a Research Associate of the Grammar of Medieval Greek Project (University of Cambridge, directed by David Holton and Geoffrey Horrocks) and is currently a Consultant at the same program. Her research interests include textual criticism and theory, linguistic analysis and literary theory as applied to Medieval and Early Modern Greek literature. She has published an edition of the romance Livistros and Rodamne, version V, and is currently working on a new edition of the romance Velthandros and Chrysantza. She is a co-author of the Reference Grammar of Medieval and Early Modern Greek (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming), and has also published several articles on medieval and renaissance texts.
Αφήγησις Λιβίστρου και Ροδάμνης (Livistros and Rodamne). The Vatican version. CriticalEdition with Introduction, Commentary and Index-Glossary. Editio princeps [Βυζαντινὴ καὶ Νεοελληνικὴ Βιβλιοθήκη, 10], Athens (ΜΙΕΤ) 2007
Concordance to Digenes Akrites, Version E / Πίνακες συμφραζομένων του Διγενή Ακρίτη Ε (with R. Beaton and J. Kelly), Heraklion (Crete University Press) 1995.
Edited Volume
Copyists, Collectors, Redactors and Editors. Manuscripts and editions of Late Byzantine and Early Modern Greek Literature. Papers given at a Conference held at the Danish Institute at Athens, 23-26 May 2002, in honour of Hans Eideneier and Arnold van Gemert, edited by D. Holton, Tina Lendari, U. Moennig, P. Vejleskov, Heraklion (Crete University Press) 2005.
“Demonstrative pronouns: synchronic variation and diachronic evolution”, MGDLT 5 Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory, edited By M. Janse, B. D. Joseph, A. Ralli and M. Bagriacik, Patras 2013, 2013, 228-244 (with Io Manolessou).
“Beauty and Desire in Erotokritos”, Κάμπος. Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek 20 (1913) [Special feature, dedicated to Stylianos Alexiou (1921-2013): Erotokritos: 300 years after its first publication].
“Gazes in love scenes and glances at their depiction: Notes on the War of Troy”, στο: Α Festschrift for David Holton, edited by. E. Camatsos, T. Kaplanis, J. Pye, Cambridge Scholars Publishing (in press).
«Τα βέλη του έρωτα και τα μάτια της Αρετής: το decorum του βλέμματος στον Ερωτόκριτο» [The arrows of love and Areti’s eyes: the decorum of the gaze in Erotokritos], in: Ο Κόσμος του Ερωτόκριτου και ο Ερωτόκριτος στον κόσμο. Πρακτικά Διεθνούς Συνεδρίου (Σητεία, 31/7-2/8/2009), edited by Tasoula M. Markomichelaki, Heraklion (Municipality of Siteia) 2012, 89-103.
«Νόσος και ερμηνεία: διαβάζοντας τις ασθένειες στα έργα του Σαχλίκη και του Λιμενίτη» [Illness and interpretation: reading disease in the works of Sachlikis and Limenitis] in Παιδεία και Πολιτισμός στην Κρήτη (Βυζάντιο – Βενετοκρατία). Μελέτες αφιερωμένς στον Θεοχάρη Δετοράκη, edited by Ι. Vassis, S. Kaklamanis, M. Loukaki, Heraklion (Crete University Press) 2008, 71-89.
«Ο λόγος της επιθυμίας και η απουσία του: ο Ερωτόκριτος και οι μεσαιωνικές δημώδεις μυθιστορίες” [The discourse of desire and its absence: Erotokritos and the vernacular medieval Greek romances], in Ζητήματα ποιητικής στον Ερωτόκριτο, edited by S. Kaklamanis, Heraklion (Vikelaia Dimotiki Vibliothiki), 51-74.
«Tόσο κοντά και τόσο μακριά: Ο Διγενής και ο Λίβιστρος του χειρογράφου Esc. Ψ IV 22. Μια συγκριτική εξέταση» [So close and yet so far: the Escorial Livistros and Digenis. A comparative examination], in Copyists, Collectors, Redactors and Editors: Manuscripts and Editions of Late Byzantine and Early Modern Greek Literature. Papers given at a Conference held at the Danish Institute at Athens, 23-26 May 2002, in honour of Hans Eideneier and Arnold van Gemert, edited by D. Holton, T. Lendari, U. Moenning, P. Vejleskov, Heraklion (Crete Univeristy Press) 2005, 161-178.
«Ερωτικά μυθολογικά θέματα στις δημώδεις μυθιστορίες» [Erotic mythological themes in the Byzantine vernacular romances], in Η πρόσληψη της αρχαιότητας στο βυζαντινό και νεοελληνικό μυθιστόρημα, edited by S. Kaklamanis – M. Paschalis, Athens (Stigmi) 2005, 87-111.
«Η εκφορά του έμμεσου αντικειμένου στη Μεσαιωνική Ελληνική: εκδοτικά και γλωσσολογικά προβλήματα» [The indirect object in Medieval Greek: editorial and linguistic problems], in Studies in Greek Linguistics. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, School ofPhilosophy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki(17-19 May 2002), Thessaloniki 2003, 394-405 (with Io Manolessou).
«Εις τους καιρούς τους πρωτινούς... : πρόταση για μιαν ανθολογία της πρώιμης κρητικής λογοτεχνίας (14ος-16ος αι.)» [In times past… : proposal for an anthology of Early Cretan literature (14th–16th c.) in: Σήμα Μ. Παρλαμά, Heraklion (Etairia Kritikon Istorikon Meleton) 2002, 47-75.
Chapter 1: “The beginnings of Greek vernacular literature”, and Chapter 2: “Romances”, in Greece: Books and Writers, Athens (National Book Centre of Greece – Ministry of Culture ) 2001, 18-36.
«Κρικές και χρηστικές εκδόσεις παλαιότερων κειμένων της λογοτεχνίας μας. Ζητήματα εκδοτικής πρακτικής και θεωρίας» [Critical and ‘practical’ editions of early Modern Greek literary texts. Questions of editorial practice and theory] in Μνήμη Γ. Π. Σαββίδη. Θέματα νεοελληνικής φιλολογίας. Πρακτικά 8ης Επιστημονικής Συνάντησης Τομέα ΜΝΕΣ, Thessaloniki 2001, 126-138.
“Livistros and Rodamne: Manuscript V”, in Origini della letteratura neogreca. Atti del secondo Congresso Internazionale «Neograeca Medii Aevi» (Venezia, 7-10 novembre 1991), edited by N. M. Panayotakis, vol. 2, Venice (Institute for Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Studies) 1993, 135-147.
Book reviews/Review articles
Book review (in English): P. Vejleskov (ed.), Apokopos, A fifteenth Century (Veneto-Cretan) Catabasis in the Vernacular. Synoptic edition with introduction, commentary and index verborum, English translation by M. Alexiou [Neograeca Medii Aevi, 9] Cologne 2005, in: Journal of Hellenic Studies 127 (2007) 254-255.
Book review (in English) of: Ο Πόλεμος της Τρωάδος (The War of Troy). Κριτική έκδοση με εισαγωγή και πίνακες, M. Παπαθωμόπουλος – E. M. Jeffreys, Athens 1996, in: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 22 (1998), 328-332.
Review article (in Greek): Τραγωδία ονομαζομένη Ευγένα του Κυρ Θεοδώρου Μοντσελέζε, παρουσίαση M. Vitti, φιλολογική επιμέλεια G. Spadaro, in: Μαντατοφόρος 41 (1996/I), 152-166.
Review article (in Greek): Digenes Akrites. New Approaches to Byzantine Heroic Poetry. Edited by R. Beaton and D. Ricks, Aldershot 1993, in: Μαντατοφόρος 39 (1995, 171-182.