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Faculty of History and Archaeology

Modern Greek Literature 2020-2021

Compulsory Courses

ΒΦΝ03 Modern Greek Literature I/ Introduction to Modern Greek Literature from its beginning to the 20th century - Semester 06  

Maria Nikolopoulou Α-Μα and Με-Ω

The objective of the course is the examination of the history of Modern Greek Literature, in terms of its historical evolution and the development of literary movements. Important texts of poets and writers of the period will be examined, in relation to the historical circumstances and the aesthetic tendencies of their time. Texts from the early Modern Greek period, the Cretan Renaissance, the Modern Greek Enlightment and poets such as Solomos, A. Kalvos, K. Palamas, C.P. Cavafy, A. Sikelianos, K. Varnalis, K.G. Kariotakis, G. Seferis, O. Elytis, Y. Ritsos, A. Embirikos, N. Engonopoulos, M. Anagnostakis, Κ. Dimoula,  Ν. Karouzos, Μ. Sahtouris, L. Poulios. Respectively the following writers will be examined: Ad. Korais, E. Roidis, G. Vizyinos, A. Papadiamantis, K. Theotokis, N. Kazantzakis, I. Venezis, G. Theotokas, M. Karagatsis, M. Axioti, D. Hatzis, Al. Kotzias.

ΒΦΝ83 Modern Greek Literature II/ Poetry and Prose 19th and 20th c. – Semester 06

Dimitris Angelatos

Satire in Modern Greek poetry: K. Palamas (Σατιρικά Γυμνάσματα), K. G. Karyotakis (Ελεγεία και Σάτιρες)


The subject of the course is the literary genre of satiric poetry, as developed in the first decades of 20th c. with axes of reference the works of K. Palamas (Σατιρικά Γυνάσματα, 1907· 1909) and K. G. Karyotakis (Ελεγεία και Σάτιρες (1927). Satire pervades the public and private spheres, focusing on the critical performance of persons and situations, familiar to the recipients to whom it is addressed. This critical ethos of her inextricably linked to social, political, etc. reality becomes the subject of artistic and poetic elaboration in the works of the two poets. Extremely interesting versions of the genre of satiric poetry are formed in the texts of the two poets that will be analyzed and interpreted in the context of the course.


Elective Courses

ΦΦΝ04 Seasons and Writers of Modern Greek Literature (12th–18th c.) - Semester 02

Stefanos Kaklamanis

The historical and cultural background of the Cretan Renaissance. Vitsenzos Kornaros’s Erotokritos as a representative work of the Cretan Literature of the Renaissance. The romance Erotokritos: manuscripts and early printed editions, authorship, dating, the Italian model, secondary sources, reception. Dramaturgical analysis. Characters, themes and motives. Aesthetics of language and versification. The ars poetica of Vitsentzos Kornaros.

Συνιστώμενη Βιβλιογραφία:

Στέφανος Κακλαμάνης, Η κρητική ποίηση στα χρόνια της Αναγέννησης (14ος-17ος αι.), τ. Α´. Εισαγωγή, Αθήνα, ΜΙΕΤ, 2019.

Στέφανος Κακλαμάνης, Η κρητική ποίηση στα χρόνια της Αναγέννησης (14ος-17ος αι.), τ. Γ´. Ανθολογία (1580 περ. -17ος αι.), Αθήνα, ΜΙΕΤ, 2020.

ΚΦΝ04 Modern Greek Literature, 12th-17th c. I - Semester 03

Stefanos Kaklamanis

The aim of the course is to introduce the students to the main characteristics of the vernacular printed literature during the two first centuries in the history of the print culture.

Basic thematic sections: The written and the printed book as cultural and material object; the contribution of the printing to the diffusion of the written culture and the formation of the literature’s readers. The world of the popular literature books at the 16th and 17th centuries: authors, printers, editors, readers. The formation of the first printed corpus of the modern Greek literature. Business strategies and circulation of the cheap print (Rimadha, Philadha). The reception of the modern Greek literature books and the emergence of a new cultural age.

Analysis of the works Apokopos, Apollonius of Tyre, Anthos Chariton, Tale of Alexandrer, chapbook of donkey, History of the King of Scotland, The siege of Malta, Voskopoula, Bertoldos, etc.

Essential Bibliography:

Brian Richardson, Τυπογραφία, συγγραφείς και αναγνώστες στην Ιταλία της Αναγέννησης, Μετάφραση: Ειρήνη Παπαδάκη, Αθήνα, ΜΙΕΤ, 2014. [ΕΥΔΟΞΟΣ αρ. 41955881]

Στέφανος Κακλαμάνης, Η κρητική ποίηση στα χρόνια της Αναγέννησης (14ος-17ος αι.), τ. Β´. Ανθολογία (14ος αι.-περ. 1580), Αθήνα, ΜΙΕΤ, 2020. [ΕΥΔΟΞΟΣ αρ. 94644168]

ΚΦΝ08  Comparative Literature - Semester 05

Lito Ioakimidou

After an introduction to the discipline of Comparative Literature and a presentation of its scientific interest in Literary Genres, the course focuses on the study of the short story, through its main generic features on a theoretical level, but, at the same time, through specific examples. The course also includes an account of the evolution of the short story in western literary production, from Renaissance to contemporary expressions, insisting on the landmarks of its history and progression. The selected literary texts develop questions of the realistic, naturalistic and modernist short story in Modern Greek and in some foreign literatures.

ΚΦΝ09 Theory of Literature - Semester 05

Peggy Karpouzou

Introduction to Theory of Literature. The concept of literature. Overview of Modern Literary Theories of the 20th Century: Formalism, New Criticism, Structuralism, Semiotics, Reading Theories, Marxist Criticism, Psychoanalytic Criticism, Cultural Criticism. The basic terms and concepts of each theoretical school are critically examined through theoretical texts (R. Barthes, U. Eco, R. Jakobson, M. Bakhtin, V. Shklovsky, C. Levi-Strauss et al.). Indicative application of G. Genette’s narrative typology in Stratis Tsirkas novel, Drifting Cities.

ΓΦΝ07  Modern Greek Literature 19th c. I - Semester 07

Euripides Garantoudis

The aim of the course is to present representative texts of Greek poetry of the 19th century and more specifically of the period 1820-1880. Specifically, from a historical, gramatological and aesthetic point of view, representative poetic texts of the main poets of the Ionian and Athenian poetic tradition will be analyzed, with emphasis on the work of Dionysios Solomos and Andreas Kalvos. Secondly, poetic texts by Aristotle Valaoritis, Panagiotis Soutsos, Alexandros Rizos Ragavis, etc. will be examined.

ΚΦΝ12  Modern Greek Literature of the 20th c. I - Semester 07

Euripides Garantoudis

The aim of the course is to analyze aesthetically and to include in their historical and gramatological context poetic texts of Greek poets of the late 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, who live and create until the interwar period. I have chosen to examine some poets with a greater emphasis than others judging, on the one hand, the criterion of linguistic quality and recognition of their work and on the other hand, on the fact that they represent basic versions of the evolution of Greek poetry during the examined period. The poets examined are primarily K.P. Kavafis and secondarily Kostis Palamas, Angelos Sikelianos and K.G. Karyotakis. In the context of the course, the co-examination of the work of the above poets will be attempted, so that their parallel response to the aesthetic trends and the historical and social conditions of their time can be perceived.

ΚΦΝ13  Modern Greek Literature, 20th c. ΙΙ - Semester 07

Thanassis Agathos

The course focuses on the Modern Greek prose fiction of the first decades of the 20th century and the various trends that influenced the prose production. Representative texts of the period (by Xenopoulos, Theotokis, Chatzopoulos, Kazantzakis) are discussed.

ΓΦΝ15 Modern Greek Literature 20th century III - Semester 08

Nadia Fragkouli

In this course we will study the poetry of the Thirties Generation as a significant milestone in the History of Modern Greek Literature. We will also discuss the ways it was perceived by Greek intellectuals, while also comparing the Greek phenomenon to its western counterpart, as expressed in the European and American literary texts of high modernism. The definition of modern poetry by Nasos Vagenas, along with the traits of modernist poetry, will serve as a tool for the study of selected texts by poets of the Thirties Generation. Key concepts attributed by literary scholars to the poetry of this generation will also be addressed (i.e. mythical method, intertextuality, Greekness, surrealist traits). Finally, we will examine how poets of the Thirties Generation relate to other art forms (painting, cinema, music), while elaborating on the methodological prerequisites for any interart study.

ΚΦΝ15 Modern Greek Literature 20th century III - Semester 08

Nadia Fragkouli

In this course we will study the poetry of the Thirties Generation as a significant milestone in the History of Modern Greek Literature. We will also discuss the ways it was perceived by Greek intellectuals, while also comparing the Greek phenomenon to its western counterpart, as expressed in the European and American literary texts of high modernism. The definition of modern poetry by Nasos Vagenas, along with the traits of modernist poetry, will serve as a tool for the study of selected texts by poets of the Thirties Generation. Key concepts attributed by literary scholars to the poetry of this generation will also be addressed (i.e. mythical method, intertextuality, Greekness, surrealist traits). Finally, we will examine how poets of the Thirties Generation relate to other art forms (painting, cinema, music), while elaborating on the methodological prerequisites for any interart study.

ΚΦΝ16  Modern Greek Literature, 20th c. ΙV - Semester 08

Thanassis Agathos

The course investigates the ideological and aesthetic orientations of the Greek prose fiction writers of the Generation of the 1930s, provides analysis of representative texts (by Myrivilis, Theotokas, Terzakis, Politis, Venezis, Karagatsis, Nakou and others) and, finally, examines their critical reception and position in the Modern Greek literary canon.