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Faculty of Spanish Language and Literature

Modern Greek Literature 2020-2021

Compulsory Course

ΚΟΙ014 Modern Greek Literature: Introduction to the Science of Modern Greek Literature – Semester 01

Dimitris Angelatos

The course is organized into three parts (A-C), each of which consists of a number of sections. In this course will be systematically analyzed the six axis of reference of the science of Modern Greek Literature (terminology, object, methods of approach, work tools, research, teaching), as well as the three fundamental objectives of the science: the publication, analysis and interpretation of the texts of Modern Greek literature.

The first part (A) concerns the basic terms used in the science of modern Greek literature, its subject, consisting of the texts of Modern Greek literature, and the methods of approaching this subject. The second part (B) focuses on acquainting with the tools of the work of science in order to achieve its three fundamental objectives and on the other hand the correct use of these tools in literary research and teaching. The third part (C) is connected with the way of organizing all the previous ones and their application both in scientific writing and in the teaching approach of the texts of Modern Greek literature.

The exact terminology, the adequacy of methods of approach, the effective oversight of Modern Greek literature and its contexts (historical, aesthetic and wider cultural), the acquisition of the research infrastructure with regard to the tools of work and the proper way of using them, the appropriate organization of scientific writing and teaching approaches, they mark the suitable scientific specifications of Modern Greek scholars, capable of meeting the requirements for the editing, analysis and interpretation of literary texts, both in the field of research and in that of teaching.

Through scientific research and teaching, philologists learn how to use the approach methods and work tools of their science, moving on the axis precisely defined by the object, that is, Modern Greek literature. They learn therefore: how to make reasonable working hypotheses, how to correctly delimit the scope of research and teaching, how to locate, process and critically “store” the bibliography relevant to each issue -based on an autopsy on them and respect for the research efforts of previous and modern scholars-, how to finally design and accomplish the approach of their object, drawing up scientific papers and teaching in the secondary and higher education.

Μαθήματα Γλωσσολογίας 2018-2019

Θεωρητική γλωσσολογία / Εισαγωγή στη γλωσσολογία (Α' εξάμηνο, 72ΕΛΛ007)

Βασικές αρχές, μέθοδοι και κλάδοι της Γλωσσολογίας. Η πολυσημία της "γλώσσας". Η γλώσσα των ζώων. Γλώσσα και εγκέφαλος. Φωνολογία, μορφολογία, σύνταξη, σημασιολογία. Γλώσσα και ύφος. Φεμινιστική γλωσσολογία. Γλώσσα και λογοτεχνία. Λεξικογραφία.

  • Διδάσκων:  Ιντζίδης Βαγγέλης